Friday, December 27, 2013

Thai Red Curry Chicken Recipe

I decided to give red curry a try after my finance made some canned ones for dinner one time and told me it was really good. That made me wonder how good  it can be from a can. One day while shopping in a local Asian supermarket, I found some red curry paste. Its the same brand as the can ones he I decided to make some. It was my first time making red curry and also my first time having some. I made some on the weekend and got great response! Not bad for first try! =D

Thai Red Curry Chicken Recipe


2 chicken breasts
1 can of coconut milk
2 medium potatoes
2 carrots
1 sweet onion
2 cloves of garlic (minced)
3 1/2 tbsp red curry paste
1 tbsp sugar
salt and pepper to taste
1 cup water

Marinate Chicken:
2 tsp soy sauce
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp corn starch
dash of salt and pepper

1 tsp corn starch
2-3 tbsp water


1. Cut chicken breasts into bite size pieces. In a bowl, add chicken with the marinating ingredients. Mix, and cover with plastic wrap. Marinate for 1/2 hour.

2. Peel and cut potatoes, carrots, and onion into small pieces.

3. In a large pot, fill half the pot of water. Bring to a boil under high heat. Cook potatoes for 6 minutes. Drain potatoes and set them aside.

4. In a frying pan under medium-high heat, add a bit of oil and cook the chicken till fully cooked. Remove from heat.

5. In a large pot, add a bit of oil and cook onions till edges are lightly golden. Add minced garlic. Cook for a minute. Then add chicken, carrots, coconut milk, water, and red curry paste. Stir and mix all ingredients. Bring to a boil. Add potatoes. Bring to a boil.

6. Add sugar, and salt and pepper to taste. Have a taste and see how you like the flavors. Add more curry paste or sugar if needed. If the curry is too runny, add 1 tsp of corn starch and 2-3 tbsp of water in a small bowl. Mix. Then add the mixture to the curry and stir gently. That should thicken the sauce up. Bring to a boil. Turn to low heat. Cover with lid and simmer for about 10 minutes.

The curry is best served with rice. Enjoy!

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