Saturday, December 7, 2013

Basic miso soup recipe

Miso soup is very healthy and easy to make. I can have miso soup everyday and won't get sick from it. That's how much I love it! Besides the basic ingredients, you can add seafood, noodles, and vegetable to it. Sometimes when I want a fuller meal, I like to add udon and fish cakes.

I've had miso soup from different places. Ones from Japanese restaurants, Japanese supermarkets, the instant powdered ones that you can buy in packages, and ones in instant noodle cup like thingy. I like my miso soup homemade the most coz you can adjust the amount of miso paste and what type of miso to use. I like to use shiro (white miso) coz its less salter than aka (red miso) but still taste very delicious!

The following recipe is how I like mine to taste. The amount of ingredients can be adjusted according to your preference.

Basic Miso Soup Recipe

Servings: 4

4 cups of water 
1 stalk of green onion
1/4 - 1/2 block of medium firm tofu (depending on how big the block is)
2 tbsp wakame seaweed (cut into smaller pieces)
2 tbsp of shiro miso paste
1 small bowl of water to soak wakame seaweed


1. Place 2 tbsp of wakame seaweed into a small bowl of water. Let it soak till hydrated.

2. In a saucepan, add 4 cups of water. Turn on the heat to medium.

3. Cut up green onions and cut tofu into small cubes. 

4. When the wakame is ready, (shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes) add only the wakame (not the water) in the saucepan. Add the green onions and tofu as well. If you want to add other ingredients to the soup, this will be the time.

5. Bring to a boil. Cook for about 2-3 minutes and turn off the stove.

6. At this point, you will need a large spoon and a smaller size spoon. Transfer about 1/2 tbsp of miso paste into the larger spoon. Dip it in the pot to get some hot water in the spoon and mix it with the smaller spoon. Pour the mixture in the pot. Stir. Repeat the process. Taste the soup as you go and adjust the amount of miso paste to your liking. I usually add about 2 tbsp of miso paste to mine.

Serve it while its still hot!

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